Ensuring a Safe Retirement for the International Space Station


The International Space Station (ISS), a marvel of human engineering and dedication , is reaching the end of its operational life thus will be commissioned one day most probably in year 2030. it was originally designed for only 15 years but it kept working with no major issue, but every thing has a bad side as well just because it was working Nasa started to make it bigger and bigger for many purposes now it has become so massive that if it falls on a stadium it will destroy is entirely. NASA is taking these challenges seriously because Nasa is scared of ISS Crashing, as an uncontrolled re-entry into Earth’s atmosphere could result in catastrophic consequences on the ground.

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Why NASA Scared of ISS crashing on earth?

Retiring an orbiting satellite is not a big deal l for any space agency because satellites can easily reenter the earth and in the initial stage the atmospheric air can have friction with it and burn to ashes much longer before it touches the earth surface. but here the issue is the massive size of ISS. which is whooping 358 feet, so if the ISS is dipped uncontrolled manner in earth atmosphere then it might poses a grave threat to humanity. No matter how good the working conditions of ISS is one day it will be of no use and we have to decommission it from its service, that day will be a dooms day scenario if we cold not find a better way to dispose the ISS.

The Space Tug Solution

NASA’s plan involves the creation of a specialized “space tug.” This tug will gently guide the ISS into the Earth’s atmosphere, where it will safely burn up and descend into the remote Point Nemo Ocean area. While this plan carries a hefty price tag of up to $1 billion, it’s a necessary investment to avert potential disaster.

Budget Challenges

Requesting a huge budge for NASA is not an easy task. As NASA has asked to increase the budge to $ 27 Billion for next year. However the budge cut may pose a great risk for operations for NASA in space endeavors.

Why ISS need to be retired?

The ISS has already crossed its life span but an uncontrolled dip into earth atmosphere will be dangerous.

What is the space tug solution?

NASA plans to use a specialized spacecraft to guide the ISS to safely enter earth and not cause any harm for earthlings.

How much will the retirement plan cost?

Building the space tug could pose an expenditure of 1 Billion dollars.

What budget challenges does NASA face?

NASA has requested a budget increase, but budget cuts may complicate the retirement plan.

Can other spacecraft perform the deorbiting?

While NASA considered using Russia’s Progress spacecraft, the space tug plan is now a priority.


NASA must retire the ISS to avoid a disastrous uncontrolled re-entry. They’re building a special spacecraft to gently guide the station back to Earth. However, funding is a challenge due to potential budget cuts. NASA is committed to ensuring the ISS’s safe retirement, no matter the financial hurdles.

By Leo Jackson

Hey Guys, I am Leo Jackson, I love science and technology, i like to spend late night hours in order to search for some new exciting tech and science news and write them up to share my excitement with others. Hope you like my work. if yes keep coming to futuredroid.com. Cheers!

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