Cybertruck Manufacturing Is a Madness, Shockingly Tesla Insiders opens upCybertruck Manufacturing Is a Madness, Shockingly Tesla Insiders opens up

For all you Tesla lovers its a bad news for TESLA Cybertruck. The way the news is pouring in recently, it is evidently clear that the Cybertruck production line is nothing short of madness or a pure disaster to the minimum. and guess we are not even talking about its bullet proof steel exoskeleton or its big ass unusual glass panel.

In a report shared by tesla insiders to Reuters, the main issue with TESLA lately is the production of lithium ion batteries, the production of these batteries are around 4680 but out of this small number 1360 are needed for the Cybertruck itself which is big number and not easy to meet all the ends in order for a long running hiccup free production line.

The current production for batteries are very small and the process they follow takes a lot of time thus they came with a new dry-coating electrodes technique, which seems bit faster but yet to be proved as it is only a theory right now and not produced actually. so here the tesla has 2 major hurdles to cross 1. to make a faster produced battery and 2. make its production line smoother and faster.

Cybertruck – New Age of dry coating anodes

The matter with “Dry coating anodes” is this that this technology is always been a technology for small batteries and never been used in large commercial batteries like for auto mobiles so first of all tesla is trying to reinvent the wheel by making it larger for commercial run and then make a smooth production line to run the big number game.

considering Tesla big promise of making a quarter million Cybertruck as in 250,000 trucks. they have to make 1 million 4068 cells a day. but based on the report on which rate tesla is creating them, Tesla will be able to producse only 24000 Cybertruck in a year which is very low in production line.

Bending of Steel Exo-skeleton

Apart from the battery crisis tesla is facing issue in making its bullet proof exoskeleton as it is not very easy to bend them in production. this is also adding a lot of over head in terms of basic production needs for tesla and thus creating a bottleneck in over all tesla Cybertruck production numbers.

whatever the cause is which is creating issues in Cybertruck production, it is unclear that how many trucks are being delivered so far not more then a dozen. does it feel like that elon musk underestimated that Cybertruck production challenges and over promised in his showdown moments where entire world want to have glimpse of his larger then life stage show and big promises which he has failed to deliver.

Cybertruck Manufacturing Is a Madness, Shockingly Tesla Insiders opens up
Cybertruck Manufacturing Is a Madness, Shockingly Tesla Insiders opens up


Lets hope that Elon will be able to archive what he promised and Cybertruck will be a feasible possibility in near future.

By Leo Jackson

Hey Guys, I am Leo Jackson, I love science and technology, i like to spend late night hours in order to search for some new exciting tech and science news and write them up to share my excitement with others. Hope you like my work. if yes keep coming to Cheers!

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